leaf : Manage all your bookmarks - Best Bookmark Manager, leaf helps keep your bookmarks organised. Do tension free surfing of youtube, news or any website and save the links and bookmarks for reading later.
I created leaf app for my own personal use as I could not find a suitable bookmark manager app which could cater to all my needs in play store. I wanted a bookmark manager which is free but at the same time is feature rich and does not ask to pay for each small feature. So leaf app is totally free till I can manage it - Enjoy leaf and let me know your feedback!
leaf Bookmark Manager Features:
1. Add Bookmark URL's, add tags to them, assign to categories.
2. Add new categories/folders.
3. Add infinite numbers of nested folders/categories.
4. Hide Bookmarks
5. Favourite bookmarks and see in a new tab.
6. Search for Bookmarks and tags.
7. Import Bookmarks from Desktop Browser - NETSCAPE-Bookmark
8. Backup/Restore
9. Launch Bookmark's saved in their own viewers. Eg. YouTube link will open in YouTube app
Mail me to leaf.braincandysolutions@gmail.com for any queries and suggestions. Happy to help, fix issues and improve if you have any requirements.